Put God Before Your Day

“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NLT

Even though we may be facing uncharted territory, the Lord knows it like the back of His hand. Unknown to us are the results, ramifications, and potential rewards of obediently following Him into unfamiliar terrain, but He is ahead of us and knows all about them. 

The Lord leads us but does not leave us. It is not consistent with His character to forsake us or to leave us high and dry. When He beckons us into waters that are deeper, difficult, or demanding, He has already navigated through all those waves and will lovingly lead us.

The Lord is with us, he goes before us, he never leaves us, and He surrounds us with unconditional love. Take time to rest in God’s love, and let go of fear, worry, and discouragement. Do not fear God, is with us, and He cares about us. May you be blessed with hope, faith, and joy.

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