Check Your Foundation

“He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.” Psalms 62:2 NLT

Y’all know I know a little bit about earthquakes and how destructive and damaging they can be. 

Last weekend I had a bit of an earthquake in my life with my physical and mental health. Pain, fear and frustration were shaking me “big time”. I came to realize that had it not been for my foundation, my spiritual foundation being so strong, I would have completely crumbled. 

No I’m not boasting but I really had the opportunity in seeing the benefits of have a strong spiritual foundation. Your spiritual health and healing are important. It’s actually your spiritual health that keeps you in tack. It’s your spiritual health that speaks to your mind and reminds you you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. It’s your spiritual health that tells your body to live and not die. Your spiritual foundation is where your strength lie. 

Although society and culture may offer many solutions to help you brace against the struggles of daily living, life’s earthquakes, there are three essentials needed in your spiritual life to weather any storm you might be dealt:

1.   Praise and Worship

2.   The Word of God

3.   Prayer

By embracing these three activities and putting them into daily practice, you will build your spiritual strength — your foundation — and begin to experience a powerful new sense of God’s presence and purpose.

I really want to encourage you to build a strong spiritual foundation in God. There’s a song that says “take the Lord along with you everywhere you go,” cause I’m a living witness you’re going to need him—you’re definitely going to need him everywhere you go.

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