Rest Well

Work hard, Rest well!

We need a rhythm of work and rest in order to live up to our God-given potential. Just as God gives us important work to do, God also asks us to rest periodically from our labor. 

There is a delicate line between hustle and striving, rest and laziness. Today we must really understand that WORK gives each of us the opportunity to partner with God in his goals for us, while REST lets us enter into communion with God in enjoyment of what He’s doing. The happy median of that delicate line between hustle and striving, rest and laziness is to work hard, and rest well.

Our bodies require a balance of work and rest to give it strength. God gives us the example of physical rest when he rested from creation (Genesis 2:1-3). Jesus, too, slept when he was in need of physical rest (Matthew 8:24). So we would do well to follow God’s commandment to cease from our work and rest (Exodus 20:8-11), to alleviate the chronic weariness.

Our spirit needs that same balance. Matthew 11:28-30 and Hebrews 4 remind us of a Promised Rest for God’s People.

We must understand the significance of rest. Don’t miss out on the REST!  Yes work hard because you are on God’s assignment, and rest well because you don’t want to miss God’s blessings.

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